Imperator was nervous. He'd shuffled about in front of the mirror in the dressing room for what felt like ages. His costume seemed to be ill-fitting and chaffed around the collar. That never happened normally. Then again, normal for Imperator was fighting villains like Doctor Demento, the Doppler or thwarting bank robbers!
This wasn't normal, being a dressing room in the Silver Spur Casino in Las Vegas. As Imperator fiddled with his brylcreemed hair for the umpteenth time that hour, a door opened and in stepped John F Kennedy.
The Democratic presidential candidate looked nervous too but had it under better control than Imperator, who would've rather faced an alien invasion than being about to take to the stage on JFK's campaign trail.
"You feeling okay, son?" asked Kennedy.
"Bit edgy, truth be told, sir." replied Imperator.
Kennedy smoothed down the front of his dark blue suit and smiled, saying: "Heh. This is just like falling off a log. You ever fallen off a log?"
The costumed crimefighter grinned and said no.
"Me neither," replied Kennedy.
Imperator didn't feel any better. He coughed to clear his throat and said: "Sir, did you see Regal on Johnny Carson last night?"
The Democrat nodded.
Imperator, as he adjusted his cloak, said: "It figures Regal would be backing Nixon but I'm a little surprised about The Million Dollar Kid."
Kennedy cocked his head to one side before replying: "Yeah, the Kid's a bit like Bob Hope. He's changable. Did I ever tell you that I met his grandfather?"
Imperator looked surprised and said no.
Kennedy smiled and picked up the story: "I must've been five or six. It was a county fair and there was a old geezer doing fancy Wild West trick-shooting and signing books.
I ran over to see what was going on and there was Buck Dollar, holsternig one of his pistols. What were they made of? Obsidian! Yeah, he was there, big as life, holstering one of his famous obsidian pistols."
Imperator laughed and told Kennedy how he used to read Buck Dollar comic-books as a kid. And then Kennedy admitted to reading those selfsame comics, watching the Buck Dollar chapterplay serials from Republic and clipping out the Buck Dollar newspaper strip. Both men laughed.
"Jeez, he must've been nearly a hundred when I saw him but he still had that undeniable Southern charm and an eye for the ladies, " said Kennedy, with a knowing twinkle in his eyes.
Sorry about the typos.